Why I used WordPress to make my new website
I know nobody asked this, but it was very weird to make a website using wordpress.com (monilsoni.com) when a lot of developers are using cool JavaScript to make their website. So to be honest I tried hard last year to get momentum on starting a website - I even started writing business requirements for my website and following all the due processes but I just couldn't get started. I finally made a simple website using Bootstrap which went okay for a while. I wasn't happy with the content, but it was something and something is always better than nothing. But I always felt that I needed to make a better website and changing some little thing required me to open a text editor, edit an HTML line and then push the code. Ideally, there would be a separation between text content and the platform that is serving the content but we do not live in this ideal world. So I figured that I needed a better and easier way to manage a website and content. I talked to my friend Mit who is an expe...